Asthma inhaler bill fails — in House!

The bill to put back on store shelves Primatene Mist failed in the House yesterday by a vote of 229-182. Big Pharma apparently convinced enough Republicans that asthma inhalers ought to be less accessible and more expensive.

Gene Maps Are No Cure-All

Mapping the human genome was a hyped exercise in computing power that has produced no discernible health benefits. Not surprisingly, one of its chief proponents (Craig Venter) has now moved into the clean energy scam (developing algae-based fuels). At least this time, Venter is only wasting Exxon’s time and money. Continue reading Gene Maps Are No Cure-All

Routine mammograms may result in significant overdiagnosis of invasive breast cancer

Based on a study of women in Norway, the researchers estimate that between 15% and 25% of breast cancer cases are overdiagnosed. Continue reading Routine mammograms may result in significant overdiagnosis of invasive breast cancer