Obamacare red tape burden: 127,602,371 hours yearly

“Complying with the raging tsunami of new Obamacare rules and regulations will cost American businesses and families 127 million hours annually, enough time to carve out another 1,039 Mount Rushmores which took 14 years complete, according to a new House report.” Continue reading Obamacare red tape burden: 127,602,371 hours yearly

More Severe Flu Seasons Predicted Due to Climate Change

“It appears that fewer people contract influenza during warm winters, and this causes a major portion of the population to remain vulnerable into the next season, causing an early and strong emergence.” Continue reading More Severe Flu Seasons Predicted Due to Climate Change

Costly breast cancer screenings don't add up to better outcomes

Breast cancer-screening mania was originally pushed by the medical-industrial complex. Now the forces behind ObamaCare want it reined in. Continue reading Costly breast cancer screenings don't add up to better outcomes