Trojan horse nanoparticle halts asthma: New technology also can be used to turn off peanut and other food allergies

As most of them turn out to be hype, I don’t usually highlight medical research claims. But this is interesting. We’ll see how the trials turn out. Continue reading Trojan horse nanoparticle halts asthma: New technology also can be used to turn off peanut and other food allergies

Substantial proportion of US measles cases intentionally unvaccinated

Good job Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Jenny McCarthy, Dierdre Imus and the rest of the anti-vaxx airheads. Continue reading Substantial proportion of US measles cases intentionally unvaccinated

Birth Defects in Brazil May Be Over-Reported Amid Zika Fears

“Of the cases examined so far, 404 have been confirmed as having microcephaly. Only 17 of them tested positive for the Zika virus.” Continue reading Birth Defects in Brazil May Be Over-Reported Amid Zika Fears

Zika and microcephaly: Causation, correlation, or coincidence?

“Although the mechanisms of Zika virus pathogenesis appear to fall in line with the requirements for centrosome abnormalities, there is as of yet no evidence to prove culpability.” Continue reading Zika and microcephaly: Causation, correlation, or coincidence?