Dddddrruuuugs IV Cocaine

I practiced in Florida when cocaine was worth 10 or more thousand dollars a kilo (2.2 pounds) back in the 80s.
Big business supplying idle Americans, and very violent dealings. In that time anybody with a cell phone was assumed to be a cocaine player, how times have changed.
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I'm Toxic, Hand me the Detox Stuff

This is a very lucid discussion of another junkscience scam–detoxing.
Detoxing is a health food supplement type scam that pretends to eliminate something bad–kinda like purging and cleansing enemas. Nonsense.

The Detox Scam: How to spot it, and how to avoid it

It's Medicaid, Writ Large

The last 3 or 4 years of talk about the comprehensive “solution” that is Obamacare have been riding on the delusion that it is some sophisticated hybrid private/gov system of healthcare insurance. Not so. Socialists are not fixers, they are takers and haters.
Continue reading It's Medicaid, Writ Large

Charlatans Rule at the EPA

Francesca Grifo PhD, doyen of scientific integrity at the Union of Concerned Scientists, has been appointed in charge of scientific integrity at EPA, a lateral move, junk science in the private enviro sector to the same role in government.
With this appointment the EPA accomplishes two things, cover for continued junk science and a thumb in the eye of any serious critic of EPA scientific misconduct.
Continue reading Charlatans Rule at the EPA

UK Health System Insanity

UK National health Service (NHS) pays for aromatherapy and other alternative medical care services, but skimps on Cancer care?
Wonder why a financially strapped national single payer system would bother with junk science “alternative” therapies like aroma therapy? Follow the politics.
Continue reading UK Health System Insanity