To hell with Africa say the 1st world warmer fanatics

Oh, sure they pretend to care, sure they care about people who have little but are breaking out of the bind of poverty and deprivation.
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The Sky is Really REALLY Warming–It's one minute to midnight

What can I say, remember the rule–argue the law or the facts, when they don’t go your way, pound the table.
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Joe Sax dead, Destroyed Private Property to create Public Trusts

Joe Sax died last week. Academic Lawyer from U of Colorado. Eulogized by the NYT in the item attached.
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California Circles Drain–Hanson Opines on Solutions

Victor Davis Hanson is a Classicist, now Fellow at the Hoover. Native Californian with a farm at Selma close to Fresno.
He knows and cares about CA.
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Droughts and Floods Caused by Green Monsters

When the California Drought subject came up, I thought about the Missouri River floods of the Spring 2011, that were manufactured by the Corps of Engineers.
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