‘Eco-school’ opened just THREE years ago – but is already leaking so badly that pupils will have to go into temporary classrooms for two years

The Daily Mail reports: Continue reading ‘Eco-school’ opened just THREE years ago – but is already leaking so badly that pupils will have to go into temporary classrooms for two years

Norway gives World Bank $13 million to stop Ethiopia from feeding itself

Dunno about you, but “climate-smart” agriculture sounds like something the Soviets would have dreamt up. Continue reading Norway gives World Bank $13 million to stop Ethiopia from feeding itself

If Global Warming Promoters are Proud of all their ██████ ████████ Work, then Why do They Hide Parts of It?

We can apparently add one more situation to the growing pile of instances where folks pushing the idea of man-caused global warming are caught trying to hide inconvenient details. Continue reading If Global Warming Promoters are Proud of all their ██████ ████████ Work, then Why do They Hide Parts of It?

Report: 19% of typical Aussie home electric bill due to carbon tax and other ‘green’ energy programs

IER Reports: Continue reading Report: 19% of typical Aussie home electric bill due to carbon tax and other ‘green’ energy programs

Your iPhone uses more energy than a refrigerator… Hello, may I speak with Apple board member Al Gore?

The Week reports: Continue reading Your iPhone uses more energy than a refrigerator… Hello, may I speak with Apple board member Al Gore?