Video: Test driving the world’s smallest car — aka the ‘Hybrid Death Trap’

“If you’ve ever wondered how much further auto manufacturers could go with small economy vehicles like the Smart Car, we may have your answer.” Continue reading Video: Test driving the world’s smallest car — aka the ‘Hybrid Death Trap’

Gore Goes Malthusian: Frets about accomodating growing middle class ‘on a finite planet’

What’s he worried about — a shortage of masseuses to harass? But we digress… Continue reading Gore Goes Malthusian: Frets about accomodating growing middle class ‘on a finite planet’

Canadian college refuses to say whether David Suzuki’s student bodyguards spent time alone with him

A follow-up to the story of enviro Saint Suzuki who demanded to be escorted around campus at a $30K speaking gig by attractive coeds. Continue reading Canadian college refuses to say whether David Suzuki’s student bodyguards spent time alone with him

Al Gore urges David Letterman not to despair about global warming: ‘There’s a lot of opportunity in this crisis’

A skeptical Letterman challenged Gore as to whether he really has gone green in his personal life. Continue reading Al Gore urges David Letterman not to despair about global warming: ‘There’s a lot of opportunity in this crisis’

Gore calls lack of climate-related questions in presidential debates ‘pathetic’

When asked if he was personally comfortable to have his media organization essentially “profit from oil,” Gore said, “Well, I see if differently. Continue reading Gore calls lack of climate-related questions in presidential debates ‘pathetic’