Follow the Money on Fracking and Pipeline Debates

All this anti fracking advocacy–and anti Keystone XL pipeline agitation certainly is funded by someone.
Here’s some stuff to consider on the fracking debate. Saudis have a dog in the fight.
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Fracking is REEEALLY SCARY, Send Donations to. . .

I am astounded at the ignorance of people about fracking–it doesn’t contaminate ground water, it’s safe and important for progress and energy self sufficiency.
Hysterical reactions and media hype, and of course time for enviro organizations to put out scares to pump up donations.
Continue reading Fracking is REEEALLY SCARY, Send Donations to. . .

Fracking Anxiety in Maryland

Can’t be too careful in Maryland. After all, they’re drilling more than 5000 feet down and somebody could have missed something in all those other studies, somebody who didn’t CARE. This is a chance to protect the public and make a statement against progress and in favor of the children or . . . . whatever.
Study on the way, Maryland Health Department says they have no intention to recommend for or against fracking.
And I am Michael Jordan.–gas-drilling-public-health.html