Study: Bloomberg soda ban would backfire; UC-San Diego researchers say ‘people buy more soda when offered packs of smaller sizes than if buying single large drink’

“Restricting soda servings may induce people to buy more soda than when offered larger sized drinks.” Continue reading Study: Bloomberg soda ban would backfire; UC-San Diego researchers say ‘people buy more soda when offered packs of smaller sizes than if buying single large drink’

Food nannies claim ‘obesogenic environments’ are more important than genetics, exercise; ‘Prospect of self control fairly grim in these environments’

The food nannies do not intend to let the food industry get away with saying that child weight problems are due to lack of exercise. Continue reading Food nannies claim ‘obesogenic environments’ are more important than genetics, exercise; ‘Prospect of self control fairly grim in these environments’

Food Nanny Marion Nestle: Regulation necessary to safeguard students from soda — RealityDrop; Soda industry voluntarily removed sodas from schools in 2006

The title of Marion Nestle’s next book is rumored to be: “Goose Step Your Kids to Fitness.” Continue reading Food Nanny Marion Nestle: Regulation necessary to safeguard students from soda — RealityDrop; Soda industry voluntarily removed sodas from schools in 2006

Study: Cuban food and fuel shortages from 1980-2010 produced modest population wide-weight loss and reduced T2 diabetes, heart disease

This is based on 4 surveys (1991, 1995, 2001 & 2011) of small populations samples (1657, 1351, 1667 and 1492 adults) — an obviously silly way of estimating population-wide weight change, and then attributing it to changes in living standards, especially in Cuba. Worsening living conditions have never made any population “healthier.” Continue reading Study: Cuban food and fuel shortages from 1980-2010 produced modest population wide-weight loss and reduced T2 diabetes, heart disease

Video: Salt Guru exposes corrupted government effort to rig dietary guidelines for salt intake

Check out the machinations contrived to deny the National Institute of Medicine’s 2015 Dietary Guidelines Committee the opportunity to independently evaluate all the new published evidence that cautions against mindless, junk science-fueled salt reduction.

Related viewing: Video: Salt Guru debunks Heart Association ‘body count’ study

Claim: Red meat substance (L-carnitine) linked with heart disease; RealityDrop — No credible evidence meat-consumption associated with heart disease

The premise of the new Nature Medicine study is that that red meat consumption is linked to heart disease risk. But this is not true. Continue reading Claim: Red meat substance (L-carnitine) linked with heart disease; RealityDrop — No credible evidence meat-consumption associated with heart disease

Claim that dietary salt kills millions not based on relevant data and ‘is a very big reach,’ says Cleveland Clinic expert

From the Daily Caller: Continue reading Claim that dietary salt kills millions not based on relevant data and ‘is a very big reach,’ says Cleveland Clinic expert

Actor Jeremy Irons Slams Bloomberg ‘Nanny State’

Award-winning actor Jeremy Irons ripped into New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, likening his proposed restrictions on cigarettes and soda to a “nanny state.” Continue reading Actor Jeremy Irons Slams Bloomberg ‘Nanny State’

Meat labels will include where animal was born and slaughtered, irking Canada and Mexico

Canada and Mexico, the leading beef exporters to the U.S., claim it is uncalled for and a form of protectionism. Continue reading Meat labels will include where animal was born and slaughtered, irking Canada and Mexico

Magical Food: Eating fish associated with lower risk of dying among older adults

Even if the statistical association is true (and it is weak), this is probably a socio-economic effect. Continue reading Magical Food: Eating fish associated with lower risk of dying among older adults

FoodBabe petitions Kraft to remove yellow dyes from mac-n-cheese; No scientific evidence of harm, though

Claim “petroelum-based food dyes in children’s food” cause hyperactivity. Continue reading FoodBabe petitions Kraft to remove yellow dyes from mac-n-cheese; No scientific evidence of harm, though