Nanny Stupidity of the Day: All Americans eating an extra serving of fruits/veggies per day would save 30,000 lives per year

Has anyone ever died from not eating enough fruit and vegetables? Continue reading Nanny Stupidity of the Day: All Americans eating an extra serving of fruits/veggies per day would save 30,000 lives per year

Obama tries taking credit for fake reduction in childhood obesity?

This is a ridiculous report that is probably intended to validate Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” nannying. Continue reading Obama tries taking credit for fake reduction in childhood obesity?

Food police self-debunking: Few people eat low-salt diet but population healthier than ever

Bonnie Liebman of the Center for Science in the Public Interest writes: Continue reading Food police self-debunking: Few people eat low-salt diet but population healthier than ever

New Nanny Study: Parents should only give children zero-calorie drinks and milk

Although only a small percentage of children are obese — and even a smaller percentage are obese because of caloric intake — no child should drink juice or have a soda as a treat? Continue reading New Nanny Study: Parents should only give children zero-calorie drinks and milk

Food nannies fail math in effort to blame obesity on high fructose corn syrup

The food nannies at Citizens for Health (And who are the Citizens Against Health) stated today: Continue reading Food nannies fail math in effort to blame obesity on high fructose corn syrup

Study: Obesity epidemic partly explained by erroneous data

A new study in the American Journal of Epidemiology indicates that parent-reported height/weight data for children isn’t all that reliable. We have always been critical of self-reported obesity data. Continue reading Study: Obesity epidemic partly explained by erroneous data