Wasting 28 Billion Dollars in America

That’s the cost of vitamins and supplements annually in the U.S.
Studies recently reported no benefit for taking supplements and vitamins except in some special circumstances. Folate in pregnancy is a good example to prevent neural tube defects.
Why do you suspect that I knew that and I am not impressed with the claims made?
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Damn the Nannies–Eat "Toxins"for Thanksgiving

Every year the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) publishes a fine rendition on why toxicology by the EPA is Junk Science for sure every year for he holidays.
If one paid attention to the fools on the hill at places like the Harvard factory for panic by Willett and Ascherio–there would be nothing but degraded mush to eat for Thanksgiving and the Holidays.
Continue reading Damn the Nannies–Eat "Toxins"for Thanksgiving