Quackademic Medicine at U of Arizona Cancer Center

I was shocked to find an Academic Medical School Cancer Treatment program was liberally sprinkled with non scientific “programs.”
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Glucosamine Goes Down.

The problem is hopeful and energetic promotion of this or that diet supplement.
I have dogs and horses getting glucosamine for aged arthritis.
I hope for something too.
That’s the problem, as splained by the ACSH.
Continue reading Glucosamine Goes Down.

Complementary Medicine Sounds So Good

An opponent of complementary medicine (vitamins and supplement promoted beyond their proven effect) quits his academic position in protest of a 15 million dollar grant to his U,-public-health-professor-has-quit-after-his-uni-did-a-15-million-research-deal-with-swisse-2014-2 La Trobe for research from Swisse, a vit maker.
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Caramel Cancer Scare

Here we go again. Colas have color, makes them more attractive for the consumer.
As we all know toxicity and carcinogenicity studies in rodents–not a reliable measure.
But they can still make crazy claims.

Wasting 28 Billion Dollars in America

That’s the cost of vitamins and supplements annually in the U.S.
Studies recently reported no benefit for taking supplements and vitamins except in some special circumstances. Folate in pregnancy is a good example to prevent neural tube defects.
Why do you suspect that I knew that and I am not impressed with the claims made?
Continue reading Wasting 28 Billion Dollars in America