GM’s Concept Car: The 2010 ‘Obama-wagen’

From an unknown source:

GM (Government Motors) proudly introduces the 2010 Obama-wagen:


Runs on hot air and broken promises. Its three wheels speed through sharp left turns. Comes complete with teleprompters programmed to help occupants smooth-talk their way out any violations. It’s change you can believe in!

Must-see Anti-green TV: ABC’s ‘Goode Family’

Don’t miss the premier of the first anti-green, animated TV series, the “Goode Family,” tonight on ABC at 9:00pm. Here’s what the Miami Herald‘s Glenn Garvin has to say about the show:

Life’s not easy if you’re an organic-eating, tree-hugging, SUV-eschewing, carbon-footprintless, gender-identity-indifferent, diversity-celebrating, nonjudgmental (well, except for those damn U.S. flag pins) vegan pacifist. Just ask Gerald and Helen Goode, the First Couple of PC America.

They forget to check a box when adopting an African baby, and when little Ubuntu arrives, he’s a white South African. They cart home free elephant dung from Barnum & Bailey for their organic garden, then remember that the circus exploits animals. They’ve raised their dog Che to be a vegan, but the neighborhood sure has a lot of missing squirrels. Even their hybrid car’s bumper sticker is a blend of uneasy compromises: SUPPORT OUR TROOPS . . . AND THEIR OPPONENTS.

Welcome to The Goode Family, a scathingly funny report from the front lines of America’s culture wars. This new ABC adult cartoon, produced by Beavis and Butt-Head mastermind Mike Judge and his King of the Hill buddies John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky, will do for PC what 30 Rock does for corporate capitalism or Lost for commercial air travel: Leave it in ruins…

Click here for the full review…

Let’s hope “Goode Family” is what Garvin’s review promises!


Protest Green Genocide: Get a DDT T-Shirt

The UN wants to rollback the use of DDT. But DDT is a “weapon of mass survival” — a weapon against green genocide. Get a DDT T-shirt and tell the world!

Get your DDT Tee at the store while supplies last…


Check out this photo of Ugandan health officials surrounded by public health workers.


News from the front: Utility, greens file briefs in battle over Northeast cap-and-trade scheme

We reported in March about the New York utility Indeck filing suit to declare the Northeast’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) unconstitutional.

Briefs have since been filed — they’ll make great holiday weekend reading!

Carbon Control News reports that the next hearing in the case is scheduled for June 12.

Kudos to Indeck for having the courage to stand against the oppression of green government.

Al Gore 1984

The latest from CEI:

Can Big Brother be green? Absolutely. If carbon dioxide were the planetary poison that global warming alarmists claim, then every aspect of our lives would be fair game for government control: the homes we build, the cars we drive, the light bulbs we use. Even the number of children we have—because lets face it; any reduction in CO2 that we achieve will be more than offset by the households our kids will create when they grow up.

There are already proposals in Congress and federal agencies to vastly increase taxes and regulations in order to address the so-called global warming crisis. But as a growing number of scientists are openly declaring, there is no crisis.

To take action, and to learn more, see

South Park fans—this clip has a special treat for you.

Irony aficionados—In its original 1984 ad, Apple Computer warned of a totalitarian threat in computing. Today Al Gore sits on Apples Board of Directors. The company that warned of 1984 25 years ago now has, as one of its directors, the man most likely to lead us into a new 1984.

History students—Apple Computer ran its ad,…, only once, during the 1984 Super Bowl, to introduce its new Macintosh computer. In 2006, during the primary battles, a pro-Obama YouTube take-off of the Apple ad was created by an independent solo video artist,.casting Hillary Clinton in the role of Big Brother. The ad was titled Vote Different—apparently parodying Apples Think Different slogan. It can be viewed at…

Conservatives should just say ‘no’ to GOP’s ‘New America’

As President Obama exploits the ongoing financial crisis in an effort to socialize America (government-owned banks and industry, nationalized health care and centrally-planned energy and economic policy) as much as possible before anyone can do anything about it, you might think that Republican politicians would be focused on combating the destruction of the American way of life and our standard of living.

Instead, the GOP’s leaders have gathered together their most well-known clucking hens and presidential candidate rejects to tell conservatives that they need to abandon cherished and time-tested principles in favor of a new set of values — let’s call it Obama-lite with details to come.

The so-called “National Council for a New America” was announced by Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) on April 30. The “council” part of NCNA appears to be led by the very Capitol Hill Republicans who have served the rest of us so ineffectively-to-disastrously that we are now at the mercy of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid hydra. These Keystone Cop legislators include: Reps. John Boehner,  Cantor, Mike Pence, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, John Carter, Pete Sessions, David Dreier, Kevin McCarthy, and Roy Blunt; and Sens. Mitch McConnell, Jon Kyl, Lamar Alexander, John Cornyn, and John Thune. While Rep. Pence and Sen. Cornyn are good conservatives, in the context of NCNA, they are little more than window dressing or “beards.”

The NCNA has a platform that differs from the hydras only in that it is the lite version of “leave no government program behind.” Though the NCNAs couldn’t defeat Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, perhaps two of the most unpopular Congressional leaders ever, or Barack Obama, the least-experienced-and-most-socialist major party presidential candidate of all time, they think they’re up to fixing the economy, healthcare, education, energy, and national security through more government. Let’s look at what NCNA says about energy, one of this blog’s main issues:

American families and businesses cannot afford an energy policy where we are held hostage by foreign oil cartels and dictators. As a nation, we can no longer send billions of dollars overseas each year, often to countries that help fund our enemies. We must implement a comprehensive energy policy that includes traditional fuels, alternative energy, and conservation resulting in affordable, reliable domestic energy. Such a policy will stabilize costs for families and businesses while at the same time creating much-needed jobs here at home.

If the NCNAs knew anything about energy they’d know that we’re not being held hostage by “foreign oil cartels and dictators” — we’re being held hostage by domestic rent-seeking energy cartels and green dictators. We don’t need a “comprehensive policy” that interferes destructively with free markets. Rather, we need open energy markets that are able to choose workable energy solutions and deliver them at competitive prices. Free market prosperity creates good jobs — pork-barreling congressmen create non-productve bureaucracy. We don’t send money to fund our enemies. We buy oil on the open market. It’s called trade.  BTW, our “enemies” will get our money anyway — through Chinese oil purchases.

NCNA is sending out a “national panel of experts” on a listening tour of the nation. On the panel are former presidential candidates Sen. John McCain and Mitt Romney, and potential future presidential candidates Jeb Bush, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Louisana Gov. Bobby Jindal. While Gov. Barbour is a good conservative caught in a bad organization, Bush and Jindal leave much to be desired.

Although Rep. Cantor told the Washington Times that

“The Republican Party is founded on some common-sense conservative principles that are as effective today as they’ve always been. We just need to make sure we’re listening to the people,”

“Expert panelist” Jeb Bush told the Times,

… that it’s time for the Republican Party to give up its “nostalgia” for the heyday of the Reagan era and look forward, even if it means stealing the winning strategy deployed by Democrats in the 2008 election.

And what would strategy that be, Jeb? Having John McCain win the Democratic presidential nomination? Oh and thanks, Jeb, for working to block oil drilling off the Florida coast. How’s that going to get us out of the grip of OPEC and oil dictators like Hugo Chavez?

Speaking of McCain, let’s not forget that he was one of the early Republican proponents of global warming alarmism. Remember McCain-Lieberman? McCain thinks that the worst tha can happen by going green is that we’ll leave future generations a cleaner planet. Sorry, John, if the greens run the world, we’ll all  be poorer and the planet will be dirtier.

I almost lost my dinner at the March National Republican Congressional Committee soiree when keynote speaker Jindal spoke rapturously of reaching the nirvana of green energy or some such nonsense. It’s not surprising that Jindal and the NCNA members don’t know what they’re talking about — none have ever been leaders on energy issues.

Rather than forgetting about Ronald Reagan, we need to remember his fervent anti-communism now more than ever. The hydra has already hung the sharp left. We need someone who can grab the wheel and make a U-turn.

Sucker play of the day: Greens ‘giving’ on nukes and carbon storage to get climate bill

How — EUPHEMISM ALERT! — “naive” are the nuclear and coal industries? We may soon find out.

Carbon Control Newsreports that an EPA congressional affairs attorney told a Washington, DC think tank audience that,

Even members [of Congress] with the most progressive constituencies are “willing to give up their efforts to hinder” nuclear and [carbon capture and storage] “in order to serve the higher good of getting carbon policies enacted.”

It’s a wonder no one in the audience choked on their lunch at that one.

I have little doubt that the nuclear and coal industries will accept this statement at face value and proceed to walk into the bear trap that is greenhouse gas regulation.

But the greens will never allow carbon capture and storage (CCS) and they will never allow more nuclear power to come on line — no matter how much they seem to nod their heads now in order to get a bill.

The greens may say they will tolerate these things to get a climate bill, but the greens’ word never has been, is not and will never be good or binding on them.

No matter what language is included in whatever bill, in the end, the greens will find grandmothers and children to lay down in front of the bulldozers — and that will be the end of new nukes and CCS.

If the coal industry wants to survive and if the nuclear power industry wants to maintain its 20%-share of the U.S. power mix, both must treat the greens like the mortal enemies that they are. When it comes to the greens’ naked aggression, it’s crush or be crushed.

As between industry and the greens, my money is on the greens — at least for right now since, like Stalin in 1924 and Hitler in 1938, they are only only ones who actually understand that there are no rules to the for-all-the-marbles game they are playing.

Utility execs fret Obama climate policies

Reuters reports,

Less than half of utility executives support the Obama Administration’s plan to make the United States a leader on climate change and are concerned about the impact related policies will have on industry profits, according to a survey released on Monday.

Maybe one day these cowards will stop stop fretting and start fighting back?

Green TEA party: EPA seeks public input on proposed CO2 ‘endangerment’ finding

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking comment on its proposed finding that greenhouse gases threaten the public welfare. The agency will be accepting comments from the public for 60 days.

Click here for the EPA proposal.

Take action:

It’s time for a green TEA party. Tell the EPA that you are taxed-enough-already and that you oppose the agency’s use of junk science to tax and regulate you even more.

Click here for information on submitting your comments to the EPA.