California Governor Newsom makes false claim about children, asthma and tailpipe emissions

In announcing his legally dubious ban of gasoline-powered cars in California by 2035, Gov. Newsom stated, “You deserve to have a car that doesn’t give your kids asthma.” readers will recall that EPA-funded UCLA and USC researchers in the 2000s to spray diesel exhaust up the noses of children as young as 10 years old in order to see what happened. Not a wheeze was what happened. Nothing that comes out of tail pipe causes or triggers asthma. EPA has much clinical research on actual humans demonstrating this. The results of these (illegal) studies are non-public except to the extent that they have been discovered and previously exposed by through the Freedom of Information Act.

Harvard fraudsters use Obama EPA money to attack Trump administration with PM2.5-COVID19 study

The recent “Harvard Howler” trying to link PM2.5 with COVID-19 deaths was funded by money Harvard received from the Obama EPA.

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WINNING: EPA won’t tighten the PM2.5 standard

A big win for all who have worked on this. We’re not done yet. But a big win nonetheless. You can read the wailings of the PM2.5 fraudsters in the New York Times coverage (Web | PDF). Incredible that the fraudsters launched their PM2.5-coronavirus study as a last minute “Hail Mary.” Also note the fake news headline — “Trump Disregards Advice.” In fact, EPA’s CASAC advised Administrator Wheeler that there was no scientific basis for tightening the standards.

EPA staff sabotages fuel economy rollback

So the Trump administration finally finished rolling back the pointlessly expensive and impossible-to-achieve 2012 Obama administration fuel economy standards. Great. But did EPA staff sabotage the rulemaking to favor certain legal challenge by environmentalists? You betcha.

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EPA clarifies secret science proposal

EPA has responded to the squealing from the junk science crowd about the science transparency proposal issued in 2018. The good news is that the rulemaking is on track to be finalized soon. The media release is below. The supplemental proposal to appear in the Federal Register is here (Web | PDF).

Milloy oral comments to EPA Science Advisory Board on Trump EPA deregulatory effects

My comments just delivered to the EPA Science Advisory Board about their draft review letters concerning the Trump EPA proposals for rolling back the Obama fuel economy standards, the science transparency rule, the Mercury Air Toxics Standards rule and the Waters of the United States rule (WOTUS).

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TOTAL VICTORY: EPA science advisers trash EPA staff assessment of PM2.5 ‘science’

EPA’s science advisory panel for air quality, the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), has now officially trashed all the scary claims the agency has been making for the past 25 years about PM2.5 in outdoor air. The letter was transmitted to Administrator Andrew Wheeler yesterday. The future significance is that the PM2.5 air quality standards will NOT be tightening for the first time in a long while. It also means that the Obama war on coal rules were 100% scientifically bankrupt.

Continue reading TOTAL VICTORY: EPA science advisers trash EPA staff assessment of PM2.5 ‘science’

WINNING: Milloy applauds EPA science advisors rejection of EPA air quality junk science

My oral testimony from today’s EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) meeting to finalize its letter trashing 25 years worth of EPA particulate matter junk science.

Continue reading WINNING: Milloy applauds EPA science advisors rejection of EPA air quality junk science