Ethanol credit trading increases gas prices, becomes Wall Street racket — another central planning masterpiece!

The New York Times reports: Continue reading Ethanol credit trading increases gas prices, becomes Wall Street racket — another central planning masterpiece!

Lengthy Senate report details EPA FOIA abuses — ‘pursued a path of obfuscation’ from start of Obama admin

The Washington Examiner reports: Continue reading Lengthy Senate report details EPA FOIA abuses — ‘pursued a path of obfuscation’ from start of Obama admin

Richard Windsor’s $40K official portrait spurs EGO Act banning taxpayer funding — ‘Lisa Jackson can borrow my camera for free’ reports: Continue reading Richard Windsor’s $40K official portrait spurs EGO Act banning taxpayer funding — ‘Lisa Jackson can borrow my camera for free’

Richard Windsor Lawyer: ‘She has engaged in no wrongdoing of any kind’

Politico reports on the appearance of Richard Windsor (aka Lisa Jackson) before the House Oversight and Government Committee: Continue reading Richard Windsor Lawyer: ‘She has engaged in no wrongdoing of any kind’