Enstrom calls on NAS to drop junk scientist Dominici from air quality committee

The National Academy of Sciences has convened (for money) at EPA’s “request” a committee of ‘researchers’ in a panel called, “Assessing Causality from a Multidisciplinary Evidence Base for National Ambient Air Quality Standards.” Despite what the NAS says, the purpose of this committee is to help the Biden EPA resurrect the PM2.5 junk science that the Obama EPA used to railroad the coal industry and that the Trump EPA abandoned. Enstrom’s complaint addresses the dishonest Francesca Dominici. But other committee members (really the entire committee) need to go as well, including Armistead G. Russell (EPA grantee crony, $23,319,799 in grants), Charles Driscoll (EPA grantee crony, $7,437,921 in grants) and Joel Kaufman (EPA grantee-crony. $55,411,682 in grants and illegal human experimenter). We’ve scene this charade before, when the EPA hired NAS to whitewash its illegal human experiments. Now the EPA is paying the NAS to prime the walls for EPA to paper over the Trump EPA’s throttling of the agency’s PM2.5 science fraud.

EPA Peer Review: The Best Rubberstamping Cronies Money Can Buy

Now that the Biden EPA has rolled back the conflict-of-interest standards imposed by the Trump EPA on the agency’s outside scientific peer review panels, it has gone back to its old practice of stocking its peer review boards with agency research grant-recipient cronies who can be counted on to rubber-stamp whatever EPA wants to do. The Biden EPA most recently announced the particulate matter (PM) subpanel for the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC). As per below, 17 of the 22 members are current and/or former EPA grantees. The amounts associated with them as principal investigators are shown. Note the largest grantee (Lianne Sheppard, recipient of $60,032,782 in EPA grants) is, naturally, the chairman. Sheppard is also the chairman of the main CASAC panel as well as a member of EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB), a separate outside review panel. The Biden EPA needs a reliable multi-purpose rubber-stamper and that is Sheppard, an activist who sued the Trump EPA because it instituted conflict of interest rules under which she was ineligible to rubber-stamp agency wishes. Stay tuned. More coming on this! And please support JunkScience.com!

Milloy to EPA Administrator: Pick a new CASAC or see you in court

My letter to Biden EPA administrator Michael Regan about his stacking of the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee panel with EPA grant-recipient cronies.

Continue reading Milloy to EPA Administrator: Pick a new CASAC or see you in court

Corrupt EPA stacks CASAC panel with agency grant cronies; Chair is top agency grant crony

EPA has filled the seven-seat Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee with five agency grant recipients. The CASAC chairman will be the University of Washington’s Lianne Sheppard, the top recipient of agency grants ($65+ million). In 2018, Sheppard sued the Trump administration after being excluded from being an independent EPA science advisor because she was an agency grant recipient. The four agency grant recipients included on the “independent”CASAC board include: Michelle Bell ($29 million), James Boylan ($229,770), Judith Chow ($449,456) and Mark Frampton ($36+ million). EPA completely ignored the recommendations of JunkScience.com, instead opting for a totally corrupt and rubber-stamping CASAC. EPA’s CASAC will now be led by someone who gets paid to do research for EPA then gets to review and rubberstamp her and her colleagues’ (also EPA grant recipients) work. No corruption here. Move on. Support JunkScience.com to fight back against this outrageous fraud.

Top EPA grant grubber Lianne Sheppard is now chairman of EPA’s CASAC board of outside advisors on air quality science.

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Milloy testifies at EPA hearing on Biden rollback of Trump benefit-cost rules

The Biden EPA plans to return to the good old pre-Trump days of regulating based on fake benefit-cost analysis. You can file your written comments with EPA here. The deadline is June 14,2021. The Federal Register announcement is here. Please support JunkScience.com in our fight against the bad guys!

Please support JunkScience.com in our fight against the bad guys!

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Your Immediate Help Requested: Nominate members for EPA’s independent science advisory boards

We need your help and the deadline is Monday, May 3, 2021. On or about March 30, 2021, Biden EPA chief Michael Regan fired all of EPA’s independent science advisers and rolled back important anti-corruption measures implemented by the Trump EPA to ensure the independence and balance of these boards as required by law. For background on this, read my Washington Times column. EPA is now taking nominations for new members. The deadline for submitting nominations is Monday, May 3, 2021. Read on to help nominate scientists and experts for the EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) and Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC). You can nominate yourself or someone else. This is very important.

Continue reading Your Immediate Help Requested: Nominate members for EPA’s independent science advisory boards

Biden White House fires all EPA science advisers; Science fraudsters to make triumphant return

The Biden EPA fired its outside science advisers (both CASAC and SAB) today and reversed the Trump anti-corruption policy of not allowing current EPA grantees to review and rubber-stamp their own work and EPA’s agenda. The e-mail is below. Background on the Trump effort is here. The order most likely came from White House climate fuhrer Gina McCarthy, versus bobblehead EPA administrator Michael Regan. Oh yeah, EPA is supposed to be an “independent” agency.

New York City/New Jersey subway PM2.5 levels 77 times greater than EPA standards; No bodies found

A new study reports on PM2.5 (soot/dust) levels in subway stations. The New York City and New Jersey PATH system had a mean level of 779 micrograms per cubic meter — 65 times higher than the EPA’s outdoor air standard of 12 micrograms per cubic meter. The highest level measured (1,499 micrograms per cubic meter) is almost 50% higher than the worst air in any Chinese city that we know about. Onboard air quality PM2.5 measurements were lower but still on average 30 times higher than EPA standards. In 2018, PATH carried 81.7 million passengers, about 280,000 per week day. Keeping in mind that the EPA says that any exposure to PM2.5 can kill you within hours, where are the bodies? Why aren’t governments calling for an immediate shutdown of subway service? Recall that Harvard researchers just claimed this week that PM2.5 kills more than 8 million people per year and much lower outdoor air exposures. PM2.5 is the biggest demonstrable science fraud of our time.

Continue reading New York City/New Jersey subway PM2.5 levels 77 times greater than EPA standards; No bodies found

Biden EPA nominee can’t answer say what he means by ‘immediate’

North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality chief Michael Regan, Joe Biden’s nominee to be U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief, was interviewed in August 2018 by WBTV (Charlotte, NC) about when he was going to take action against chemical company Chemours, then illegally discharging chemicals into the Cape Fear River. The interview stalled when Regan, promising “immediate action” wouldn’t define for the reporter what he meant by “immediate.” The full interview is here. The “immediate” clip is below.