Sanctimonious EPA union Prez attacks Congress for shutdown

However did America function before the EPA? EPA employees have and aree killing hundreds of thousands of jobs across the country and we’re supposed to weep because they get paid to stay home a few days? Continue reading Sanctimonious EPA union Prez attacks Congress for shutdown

EPA mandates that new coal plants prevent nonexistent climate problem with unavailable solution

Carl Erickson writes at Forbes: Continue reading EPA mandates that new coal plants prevent nonexistent climate problem with unavailable solution

Fairy tale: Gina McCarthy credited with uncovering EPA fraudster — while reviewing time sheets?

ThinkProgress writes ‘Once upon a time…: Continue reading Fairy tale: Gina McCarthy credited with uncovering EPA fraudster — while reviewing time sheets?

‘Richard Windsor’ (aka Lisa Jackson) refused to be interviewed by EPA inspector general — Absolved anyway

The Hill reports: Continue reading ‘Richard Windsor’ (aka Lisa Jackson) refused to be interviewed by EPA inspector general — Absolved anyway

Cowardly: EPA chief begins 3-day tour to promote coal rules — But not visiting any coal communities or debating opponents

EPA announces: Continue reading Cowardly: EPA chief begins 3-day tour to promote coal rules — But not visiting any coal communities or debating opponents

Shock: State returns EPA grant money — North Carolina says it doesn’t want $580K to study fracking, wetlands

The Charlotte Observer reports: Continue reading Shock: State returns EPA grant money — North Carolina says it doesn’t want $580K to study fracking, wetlands