Airborne Fine Particulate Matter and Short-Term Mortality: Exploring the California Experience,2007-2010. Continue reading EPA air pollution scare debunked by best data set ever assembled on particulate matter and deaths
Category: EPA
Podesta Returns–as if We Need More Thugs
Here is a nice summary of what can be expected from Podesta, from our ally in the battle on energy, Marita Noon.
Continue reading Podesta Returns–as if We Need More Thugs
I'm from the Guvment–You Will comply
The tyranny of the administrative state is poised to impose.
Continue reading I'm from the Guvment–You Will comply
EPA Hearing Exercise
There is no substitute for preparation for a Congressional Hearing, just like for a debate, a deposition or a trial. Just like preparing for a test. Must know the material and plan the strategy to accomplish the goal.
Continue reading EPA Hearing Exercise
Anti American Indian lawsuit filed by attorney generals of NE states
We talked about collusive lawsuits last week.
Here’s a collusive lawsuit filed by 7 attorneys general that smells a lot like a small version of the Carbon Dioxide lawsuit.
In this case they’re going after wood burners–both cowboys and indians. Dangerous campfires, wood furnaces and fireplaces.
Continue reading Anti American Indian lawsuit filed by attorney generals of NE states
EPA administrator has no knowledge of inhumane experiments?
Imagine that the Administrator of the US EPA would testify that she doesn’t know that the US EPA is funding and promoting unethical human exposure to small particulate air pollution experiments at 10 US Medical Schools?
Continue reading EPA administrator has no knowledge of inhumane experiments?
Following the money Hemingway and Hinderaker
So you wonder why so many are sticking with their support of catastrophic warming?
Continue reading Following the money Hemingway and Hinderaker
Supreme Court ain't the answer on EPA overreaching
This link below is to Leighton Steward’s recent essay in the DC insider mag The Hill, and it is another engineer’s optimistic essay on why the Supremes should stop the scientific fraud on Carbon Dioxide. Steward also refernces a fine essay by Craig Idso on the positive benefits of carbon dioxide. Continue reading Supreme Court ain't the answer on EPA overreaching
Senate GOP offers ‘The Top Ten Reasons The Government Shutdown Isn’t All Bad’ — Most involve EPA, environment
The Top Ten Reasons The Government Shutdown Isn’t All Bad Continue reading Senate GOP offers ‘The Top Ten Reasons The Government Shutdown Isn’t All Bad’ — Most involve EPA, environment
Dishonest: EPA chief says Obama climate plan not threatened by SCOTUS review of EPA authority over coal plants
About today’s Supreme Court decision to hear whether EPA can regulate stationary sources of CO2 (like power plants), Reuters reports: Continue reading Dishonest: EPA chief says Obama climate plan not threatened by SCOTUS review of EPA authority over coal plants
Sen. Malarkey claims shutdown prevents public from discussing EPA coal rules — But EPA propaganda tour ≠ discussion
BTW Ed, the EPA meetings are pro forma — i.e., designed to meet a coming court challenges to the rules, not to allow the public to weigh in. Continue reading Sen. Malarkey claims shutdown prevents public from discussing EPA coal rules — But EPA propaganda tour ≠ discussion
Here’s Justice Alito’s financial disclosure form — what’s the conflict with his participating in EPA CO2 rule case?
Though the Supreme Court announced it will rule whether EPA greenhouse gas authority extends to stationary sources (like coal power plants), Justice Alito recused himself from the process deciding whether to take the case. Continue reading Here’s Justice Alito’s financial disclosure form — what’s the conflict with his participating in EPA CO2 rule case?