Milloy Presentation to National Academy of Sciences on EPA’s Illegal Human Experiments

‘No Safe Exposure’: EPA’s Human Experiments With Particulate Matter. Continue reading Milloy Presentation to National Academy of Sciences on EPA’s Illegal Human Experiments

Upcoming: Showdown at the National Academy of Sciences Corral

***IMPORTANT: If you want to listen to this meeting, you must contact the NAS as described below and download the necessary WebEx software.*** Steve Milloy, Dr. John Dunn & and Dr. Stan Young versus EPA before the National Academy of Sciences over EPA’s illegal human experiments. August 24 at 1pm ET via webinar. You can listen in. Instructions below. Continue reading Upcoming: Showdown at the National Academy of Sciences Corral

JunkScience gets major win in campaign against EPA human experiments

We have spoiled the EPA’s effort to covertly whitewash its illegal human experiments via the National Academy of Sciences. Continue reading JunkScience gets major win in campaign against EPA human experiments

Milloy puts lie to EPA air quality ‘science’ (again) readers will recall the spark that started the EPA human experiments controversy was a September 2011 study published by EPA researchers. Continue reading Milloy puts lie to EPA air quality ‘science’ (again)

California profits $1.2 billion from VW diesel settlement

No one hurt, but VW pays $14.7 billion anyway. State and federal bureaucrats get more money to further their bogus, junk science-fueled environmental programs. Continue reading California profits $1.2 billion from VW diesel settlement