The Milloy feeds me this.
Continue reading Maybe People are Wising up on Climate?
Category: Environmentalism
The Sky is Really REALLY Warming–It's one minute to midnight
What can I say, remember the rule–argue the law or the facts, when they don’t go your way, pound the table.
Continue reading The Sky is Really REALLY Warming–It's one minute to midnight
Energy and the Grid
Paul Dreissen and Roger Bezdek on the current grid and energy problems.
Continue reading Energy and the Grid
Note on Denier Issue
Joe Bast says, I hadn’t seen this before… wow.
Continue reading Note on Denier Issue
Russia on a Roll Against Enviro West
Now let’s assume that the West was committed to piddle power from solar and wind and willing to shut up coal, even nuclear energy plants and compromise the grid or increase prices and decrease access, increasing dependence on Russian Natural Gas.
Imagine, to borrow from John Lennon the peacenik.
Continue reading Russia on a Roll Against Enviro West
UN Condemns Biofuels
Biofuels make no energy or even carbon sense, are not “renewables” in a sensible analysis, and compromise food supplies.
Thanks Charles Battig in AT linked below.
Continue reading UN Condemns Biofuels
Koch Brothers are Demons?
In the recent past we have shown the depth of financial resources on the left for enviros.
Continue reading Koch Brothers are Demons?
Clarice on Junk Science Issues
Clarice Feldman comments on some current troublesome events and trends.
Continue reading Clarice on Junk Science Issues
Stephen Moore on Collusive Lawsuits
Well Stephen Moore, a fine person for sure, helps me with my work.
Continue reading Stephen Moore on Collusive Lawsuits
Gordon Fulks responds to Bozos
Gordon Fulks is one of my friends who is an astrophysicist. We aren’t like beer drinking friends, we are friends because we share an interest in promoting honest climate science.
Continue reading Gordon Fulks responds to Bozos
Larry Bell on Climate
Recent commentary by a serious and insightful guy.
Continue reading Larry Bell on Climate
Enviro Sugar Daddy II–Government spends 20 billion a year
The US Gov spends 20 billion plus annually to push climate/warming nonsense
That’s climate–and then there’s EPA and other things related to enviro issues.
Continue reading Enviro Sugar Daddy II–Government spends 20 billion a year