He didn’t get in line on global warming–the bullies took him down.
Read about what they did to this decent man.
Continue reading The Sad Tale of David Bellamy, Botonist UK Icon, until. . .
Category: Environmentalism
Mora County drilling ban, Marita comments
A county in northern New Mexico just banned drilling, urged on by enviro activists.
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Watermelon time–Stephen Moore is da man
Read this–I rest my case on the green bullies and the current dynamic.
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Jack talks about why enviros are True Believers
Kerwick discusses the mentality of green fanatics.
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Millions for the greenie research machine
Here we go, as a part of the 20 billion a year going to enviro causes and activities, one more greenie grant for a Texas School. Even in Texas?
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Gina McCarthy blah, blah, blah
Climate change is very important, says Ms. Pea Brain McCarthy, Exec of the US EPA, on The Daily Show, comedy for the equally pea brained, but they do think they are cool.
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NIce essay from Jim Lakely on the Warming Debate
Jim Lakely is an articulate informant on warming issues.
I will put up here his short essay of response to an inquiry.
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ACSH thanks! Report is EPA has downgraded BPA, Phthalates
I think this is important.
What is going on at EPA?
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Marita takes some Swings at bad Policy and Money Pits
Thanks Marita, for reminding us of the Production Tax Credit, which along with mandates on energy portfolios, created the wind boondoggle, even in oil production places like Texas.
Continue reading Marita takes some Swings at bad Policy and Money Pits
Driessen on EPA Misconduct Where do We Start
Thanks Paul for this essay, I assume soon to be up on Townhall
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Indur Goklany is a Research Giant
I admire Indur Goklany, who is my go to guy on human effects and catastrophic environmental events.
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Renwable is a big Joke.
Why do we ignore basics.