Important Junk Science in Economics and Public Policy

You might say, well JunkScience shouldn’t touch on political issues–and what would you call chemophobia, climate change, and policy decisions on climate, energy policy, and air pollution?
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The SOTU Address Marita Noon Comments

There are many who say the State of the Union Address has become a bore.
However, it does say something. Marita Noon, our ally on energy issues, comments.

Post Modernist Junk Science, Lying for Justice–Dangerous Stuff

Post modernism posits that there is no truth, nothing reliable, traditional science and traditions in general are just “constructs” promoted to the advantage of the oppressor class.
Post modernist thinkers view the world through a Marxist/Hegelian prism–and it makes them evil sorcerers.
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Let's Stop Producing Food

It always astounds me when Harvard High Flyers put up something that makes no sense.
Thanks to the Chief Toxicologist for Texas, Dr. Mike Honeycutt, for tipping me off.
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House Hearing on EPA Overreach, Excellent

So my contact at the Space Science and Technology committee, Clint Woods, dedicated work horse for good science in the interest of the public, informs me they are going to talk about the Texas situation and EPA overreach on air pollution.
I think that’s a good one–if the EPA manages to squash Texas, they have the country on the run for sure.
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Dingell Says SCOTUS Screwed Up

Milloy put up the ridiculous John Dingell, claiming offense that the Supreme Court would allow the EPA to control carbon dioxide under The Law he wrote so many years ago–the Clean Air Act.
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