Craig Rucker Defends Coal

It is hard for me to quantify the gratitude I have for Craign Rucker and the work of CFACT.
EPA’s proposed regulations on new power plants will make it nearly impossible to construct a new coal plant in the United States.
If promulgated, these regulations will raise the price of electricity and potentially cause brownouts, while having no meaningful impact on world temperatures.
At the same time the U.S. is strangling electricity from coal, China, India and even Germany are increasing their coal use. To truly understand the futility of these destructive regulations, consider this: China added the equivalent of all U.S. coal plants in just five years, 2005-2009. From 2010-2013 it added half that much again.
How’s that for a carbon offset?
CFACT senior policy analyst Bonner Cohen presented testimony today at an EPA hearing on its proposed new power plant regulations in Washington, D.C. You can read his full testimony at
The Obama administration’s war on coal is a disaster in the making for the U.S. economy.
People need to learn the straight facts. CFACT is on the job.
For nature and people too,
Craig Rucker
Executive Director

Chris Horner is Captain America in my Book

I get a news mag Military, that includes essays by Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media (AIM).
An AIM interview of Chris Horner, an author and speaker I knew from his work on enviro and climate affairs caught my eye.
Now I am mad as hell.
Continue reading Chris Horner is Captain America in my Book

Bird Killing Allowed for Green Monsters

The goofy administration of a goofy president now announces 30 year permits to Cuisinart large raptor birds.
I can’t make this stuff up.
Continue reading Bird Killing Allowed for Green Monsters