Dark Money and Climate Advocacy

There is some blow hard named Brulle, a sociologist from Drexel U in Philly (gee, wonder if he’s a lefty?) who claims that 1 billion is being spent by eveeeel capitalists in opposition to warmers.
Damn it, so far, none of that money has gotten to me and I fight the warmers all the time.
Continue reading Dark Money and Climate Advocacy

Viv Forbes gets my vote–Best Essay on Solar Silliness

I read and enjoyed this wonderful Swiftian essay this AM at American Thinker, then Milloy sent it to me with a positive comments.
Viv Forbes gets my vote as best essayist I have enjoyed in a long time.
Continue reading Viv Forbes gets my vote–Best Essay on Solar Silliness

Shell does a Deal with the Enemy

Shell adheres to the compromiser’s theory that can be characterized
as feeding beefsteak to the Leopard, hoping it will become a vegetarian.