I won’t presume to get in the way of Joe Bast’s discussion.
Continue reading Remember Acid Rain, What a Crock
Category: Environmentalism
The Endangered Species Act problem
Marita is on the case.
ESA now covers hundreds of species.
Continue reading The Endangered Species Act problem
Dark Money and Climate Advocacy
There is some blow hard named Brulle, a sociologist from Drexel U in Philly (gee, wonder if he’s a lefty?) who claims that 1 billion is being spent by eveeeel capitalists in opposition to warmers.
Damn it, so far, none of that money has gotten to me and I fight the warmers all the time.
Continue reading Dark Money and Climate Advocacy
Turney got an Award–No Kidding
Professor Chris Turney, the leader of the cruise to Antarctica that got ice bound, got an award–honest.
You can’t make these things up.
Continue reading Turney got an Award–No Kidding
Mary Landrieu and Energy Policy
Senator Landrieu is from Louisiana, an energy producing state.
As Chairman of the Senate Energy Committee she will have to balance her party pressures with her constituent concerns.
CA Drought Self Inflicted
A thorough discussion of the CA insanity and the current drought.
Continue reading CA Drought Self Inflicted
Viv Forbes gets my vote–Best Essay on Solar Silliness
I read and enjoyed this wonderful Swiftian essay this AM at American Thinker, then Milloy sent it to me with a positive comments.
Viv Forbes gets my vote as best essayist I have enjoyed in a long time.
Continue reading Viv Forbes gets my vote–Best Essay on Solar Silliness
Carbon Tax Dressed as a Social Cost–Singer Explains
Fred Singer finds another .
Shell does a Deal with the Enemy
Shell adheres to the compromiser’s theory that can be characterized
as feeding beefsteak to the Leopard, hoping it will become a vegetarian.
May I help you, Green Idiots?
The EPA and greenie crusade is intended to eliminate coal.
Energetic morons indeed, but coal ain’t killin nobody, in fact it will keep things going.
Efficiently and cleanly.
Continue reading May I help you, Green Idiots?
Who's yo Sugar Daddy, Enviros?
Michael Mann claims to be the victim of a big oil campaign.
Let’s look at the money situation.
Continue reading Who's yo Sugar Daddy, Enviros?
Delusional thinking by Greenies–no Snow?
A note from Joe Bast.
Continue reading Delusional thinking by Greenies–no Snow?