Lawyer Losers, Who Work for our side, Rich Losers but Still Losers

After collecting fees for showing up, the usual incompetence was demonstrated by Lawyers for the Chamber and the National Association of Manufacturers at a Hearing before the DC Circuit. Why am I not surprised?
Let me explain one more time.
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UVA , built by Jefferson, Now Censors Speech?

The UVA people think anyone who opposes fanatic warmers should be banned? Well at least the enviros do.
Ain’t they somethin’.
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Enviro Rankings according to Yalies

The Yale international rankings of enviro quality show something that we talked about in the past, the Kuznets Curve in enviro quality.
I think Kuznets Curve makes sense. The EPA regulatory regime was, in many cases, behind positive trends in enviro quality, not ahead.
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Another International Climate Expert–Good Gig

Here the proud home town discusses one of their favorite sons, early 40s, a declared climate expert who is a globe hopping celeb.
Do you get the impression mostly he is an apparatchik committed to agit prop for the IPCC warming/climate agenda?
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California Circles Drain–Hanson Opines on Solutions

Victor Davis Hanson is a Classicist, now Fellow at the Hoover. Native Californian with a farm at Selma close to Fresno.
He knows and cares about CA.
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