Thomas Sowell apologizes belatedly to Gary Becker

This is kind inside baseball–Sowell, high-powered economist insulted a Nobel Prize winning economist, Gary Becker when he was a grad student and Becker a teacher.
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Nigel Lawson discusses Wickedness in the Warmer Movement

There is an unmistakable elegance to behold when this Brit intellectual icon takes on the ideology and conduct of the warmer fanatics and their fanaticism.
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Bjorn points out the Danger of Misdirection of Resources

This is what his Copenhagen Consensus project is all about .
Too bad people don’t pay attention like Lomborg does, to the Bastiat warming about unintended consequences.
Of course if people die or suffer because of crazy green projects it won’t be counted, since official counts are controlled by the arrogant elites who know how to cheat.
Projected increases in displacement or deaths due to warming, no warming, no deaths? Well retool and ignore the failed predictions.
One can do that if in control of public policy and the media academic bully boy complex.

Everyone hates Rich People–Right?

Yesterday I was working on a book review of Ben Shapiro’s book
Bullies and he reminded me of the many species of political bullies, including the class bully.
Continue reading Everyone hates Rich People–Right?

More on Economic and Banking Junk projects

David Stockman is a name that tickles your memory.
Director of Budget and objector to the Reagan go along adminstration, I say go along because they never got the political or economic problem in hand. Focused on Russia.
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