Farmer's Almanac makes sense.

The Farmer’s Almanac has been around since the 18th Century–and they are reliable on long range weather prediction. Their results predicting weather are enviable, 80% accurate on specific regions and temp/precip.
Continue reading Farmer's Almanac makes sense.

Supreme Court ain't the answer on EPA overreaching

This link below is to Leighton Steward’s recent essay in the  DC insider mag The Hill, and it is another engineer’s optimistic essay on why the Supremes should stop the scientific fraud on Carbon Dioxide.  Steward also refernces a fine essay by Craig Idso on the positive benefits of carbon dioxide.  Continue reading Supreme Court ain't the answer on EPA overreaching

FRed Singer on the latest IPCC scare–nice word

Well I can’t add much to what is the usual thorough job by Fred Singer, so maybe i just get out of the way?

Well I could say it is very good that Thomas Lifson, the extraordinary editor and proprieter of American Thinker is very hospitable to contributions by Fred Singer.  Fred’s a prolific wizard, got a PhD at a place called Princeton when it had Einstein on the faculty, Happer and he are allies.  Fred was one of the science founders of the satellite system for making meteorological observations and measurements.  He is Emeritus Prof at U of VA and a vigorous and energetic man, flying all over and engaging in the debate and public education efforts.   

Amazing guy, and here is one of his more comprehensive and insightful essays on the state of the climate warming/change debate with an ample dab of discussion on why the IPCC is a project that is or will be on life support.  How they are or are not handling their modeling crisis.  Fred wrote a nice book on the importance of the sun and sunspot activity cycles.   But that’s just one example of what he has done.  Proof that life is an adventure and you can grab hold and get a good ride–Fred is still in the game and doing quite well, I do believe.

American Thinker article.