Maunder Minimum Redux?

Maybe all this concern about cooling is justified?
Take a look.
The Little Ice Age coincided with the Maunder Minimum in solar sunspot activity of the late 17th Century.
Ice Skating on the Thames, Valley Forge, Greenland iced over and settlements gone.

Antarctic Record Cold

The ice storm is our problem, imagine the problems for the Penguins? And here is something to consider, this record was set during the Southern Hemisphere summer. (Corrrection, the record reports were not current, but from older winter time down at the south pole.
I apologize.)
And it is 50 degrees below anything seen up our way. Maybe Siberia gets to -135.

Cosmic Rays are Cooler

Ever since I learned from Fred Singer that cosmic rays increase cloud cover and that’s why sunspots make things hotter, I thought, I am an astrophysicist? Right? That’s why this is important for aspiring astrophysicists.
Continue reading Cosmic Rays are Cooler

Weather Channel Ice Capades

Two days ago I watched a dramatic presentation on Weather Channel on the disappearance of Arctic ice.
Featured, pointing at a map animation of ice disappearing from the Arctic was some anxious metro sexual.
The latest satellite info shows Arctic ice increased 29%. WOOPS weather channel.
Continue reading Weather Channel Ice Capades