More on Temp Dredging from Last Year

Sure it was the warmest, but yes they have culled and parsed and sliced the record and reports.
That is why it is so important that Christy and Spencer keep us informed. Can’t fool the satellites.

Scientists Call November 2013 Alleged Hottest Record – ‘A Flop’ – Far From Record Warmest…Series Of Problems With Surface Stations

Driessen on Turney and the Warmer/Enviro Ice Capades Insanity

Paul Driessen, lead man for CFACT, provides an analysis of the Turney debacle and other matters related.
Continue reading Driessen on Turney and the Warmer/Enviro Ice Capades Insanity

An Essay from Kansas

About language and propaganda.
Mr. Babcock, from Lawrence Kansas.
If you like the Midwest the Flint Hills of Kansas are a beautiful place.
Coherent discussion about the propaganda game of climate change.

Here Come the Tautologists, Watch Out Popperians

So cooling and cold is due to warming, so the next ice age might be do to green house gasses and the green house effect produces a colder planet.
Warming could be the reason for more Antarctic and Arctic ice or for less ice.
I told you this cold snap would not slow down the warming propagandists. They’ve got a stake.
Continue reading Here Come the Tautologists, Watch Out Popperians

Karl Popper and Reliable Science

I will admit some criticize Popper for being so dead set in favor of deductive methods and against inductive scientific methods, but his point is deductive science that tests and verifies with reliable evidence is the essential test of reliable and credible science. Falsifiability (testability) is a big and important word in the world of Popper Science. Seems Einstein agreed about experiments and evidence as controlling and dispositive.
Continue reading Karl Popper and Reliable Science

Kerry, a Science Illiterate, Pushes Climate Issues

John Kerry, who served in Viet Nam, by the way, is pushing for climate change policy responses and some State generated treaty work.
Maybe they can stop storms and weather events, which now are getting names from the weather channel to make sure people get scared and stuff.
Info forwarded by Fred Singer.

Thus Spake Richard Lindzen

Richard Lindzen once said to me from the audience–no that’s not right.
What an honor to be corrected by a climate science genius.
And here Dr. Lindzen, now emeritus Prof at MIT, makes some observations about catastrophic warming.

What Catastrophe? MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen, the unalarmed climate scientist