Keystone Opposition a Greenie Mistake?

Buffett’s or Gate’s trains would produce more carbon dioxide than a pipeline.

New York Magazine: ANTI-KEYSTONE MOVEMENT WAS ‘A GIGANTIC MISTAKE’: ‘The anti-Keystone movement was an accident. Indeed, the environmentalists’ obsession with Keystone began as a gigantic mistake’

The SOTU Address Marita Noon Comments

There are many who say the State of the Union Address has become a bore.
However, it does say something. Marita Noon, our ally on energy issues, comments.

DirecTV Drops Weather Channel

I have mixed feelings about Weather Channel/DirecTV divorce over fees.
Good weather info, the new Weather Nation is not as good on weather and forecast info.
Weather Channel was an agit prop site for warmers–silly stuff.
I loved their show on big boy toys–earthmovers and such, and ice truck drivers and extreme weather jobs.
Weather Nation has to pick it up to make more pertinent info available and more easily accessed.
Their forecasts are not available all the time and site specific weather is not better.

John Coleman, Charming Weatherman

When I was a young man in Omaha, John Coleman was our weatherman on TV. Channel 7–went on to national prominence then founded the Weather Channel. Now does TV weather again in San Diego.
Great voice, charismatic, great singer too.
Continue reading John Coleman, Charming Weatherman