Indian heat wave ‘record’ update: Reported temperature acknowledged as too high by 3°C (5.4°F)

When I made my video on the “record” temperatures in India last week, I overlooked the likelihood that the temperature readings were just plain wrong and or lies. Here is the updated Reuters report. Here is the original. Before and after headlines are below. Never trust the climate hoaxers. And never forget that.

Conservative Climate Class – Episode No. 1

I was watching the FOX News show Outnumbered today which featured a mostly excellent segment on the climate criminals who are going around letting the air out of SUV tires. A little more than midway through the segment, the leftist panel member (Democrat strategist Jenna Arnold) tried to outflank the other four conservative members of the panel by proclaiming the “climate crisis” basically justified the attacks on SUV tires. The full segment is here, but the problematic clip is below. See if you can guess the problem.

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No… new Nature study doesn’t link heat deaths to global warming

The climate propaganda machine known as Nature magazine and the fake news media are making the rounds today with a study claiming that about one-third of heat-related deaths are attributable to global warming. Such BS. here’s a couple points to arm yourself with. Below is a portion of the key chart from the study.

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ExxonMobil refuses to disclose climate reality to shareholders

I have re-filed my 2019 shareholder proposal with ExxonMobil. The proposal (below) requests the company to disclose the actual costs and benefits associated with its climate actions. I discussed my proposal with ExxonMobil officials last week and they asked for specific disclosure language. Yesterday, I proposed a black-box disclosure (below) for all their climate-related documents and discussions. My disclosure is simply a recognition of emissions reality. ExxonMobil rejected it virtually immediately. As a result, I will get to lecture ExxonMobil CEO Darren Woods at the annual meeting in May and shareholders will get to vote on my proposal.

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Milloy testifies on Pennsylvania Governor Wolf’s proposal to join RGGI

My oral testimony delivered this morning to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. (Cartoon from Cartoons by Josh).

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Corporate Green ‘Disclosures’ Are Often Mere Marketing

My op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal. I will be presenting my related shareholder proposal at the ExxonMobil annual meeting this morning at 10:30ET. Directions for listening in are here. Don’t miss me reading the riot act on climate to ExxonMobil’s greenwashing management.

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ExxonMobil keeps lying on climate

ExxonMobil’s 2020 proxy statement (for its annual shareholder meeting) has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It includes my shareholder proposal requesting that ExxonMobil be honest about the costs and benefits of its climate-related activities. ExxonMobil insists on lying — even though the SEC agrees with me. My proposal and ExxonMobil’s response are below.

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