Dark Money and Climate Advocacy

There is some blow hard named Brulle, a sociologist from Drexel U in Philly (gee, wonder if he’s a lefty?) who claims that 1 billion is being spent by eveeeel capitalists in opposition to warmers.
Damn it, so far, none of that money has gotten to me and I fight the warmers all the time.
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Viv Forbes gets my vote–Best Essay on Solar Silliness

I read and enjoyed this wonderful Swiftian essay this AM at American Thinker, then Milloy sent it to me with a positive comments.
Viv Forbes gets my vote as best essayist I have enjoyed in a long time.
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Keystone Opposition a Greenie Mistake?

Buffett’s or Gate’s trains would produce more carbon dioxide than a pipeline.

New York Magazine: ANTI-KEYSTONE MOVEMENT WAS ‘A GIGANTIC MISTAKE’: ‘The anti-Keystone movement was an accident. Indeed, the environmentalists’ obsession with Keystone began as a gigantic mistake’

Follow the Money on Fracking and Pipeline Debates

All this anti fracking advocacy–and anti Keystone XL pipeline agitation certainly is funded by someone.
Here’s some stuff to consider on the fracking debate. Saudis have a dog in the fight.
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Monckton Demonstrates

There are two speeches from the last ten years that stand out in my mind.
One was the speech Tony Blair gave to the Joint Session of Congress–why did I have to wait for a Brit to explain the greatness of America?
Then a few years ago Chris Monckton, Viscount of Brenchley, another Brit, gave a wonderful speech at one of the Heartland Climate Conferences and I got really misty and choked up to hear him talk with such affection about my homeland and its people.
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Driessen Goes Downtown

Paul Driessen writes a regular column for Townhall, and is an ally of those who propose sensible policy on energy and environment issues. He and I agree with few quibbles.
He is a spokesperson and writer for Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) that pushes back on fanatic enviros with a particular emphasis on the negative impact of environmentalist nonsense on the welfare of 3rd World people.
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Hey, We're Doin' Our Part on Carbon

Here is a really revealing bit of news about American emissions.
The Carbon imprint created by the US, if you think it’s important, has been declining in the face of world wide increases.
James Taylor at the Heartland is a big boy on these things.
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