This is what his Copenhagen Consensus project is all about .
Too bad people don’t pay attention like Lomborg does, to the Bastiat warming about unintended consequences.
Of course if people die or suffer because of crazy green projects it won’t be counted, since official counts are controlled by the arrogant elites who know how to cheat.
Projected increases in displacement or deaths due to warming, no warming, no deaths? Well retool and ignore the failed predictions.
One can do that if in control of public policy and the media academic bully boy complex.
Category: Carbon Tax
Carbon Offsets People Suffering
Lifson is on a roll today.
Continue reading Carbon Offsets People Suffering
Carbon Tax Dressed as a Social Cost–Singer Explains
Fred Singer finds another .
Aussies Pay a High Price for Nothing
This is an example of much ado and expense for no benefit on warming.