Whoops—'Cash for Clunkers' Actually Hurt the Environment

“The program’s first mistake seems to have been its focus on car shredding, instead of car recycling. With 690,000 vehicles traded in, that’s a pretty big mistake.” Continue reading Whoops—'Cash for Clunkers' Actually Hurt the Environment

EU to regulate motor vehicle noise: 'Disrupts organs', leads to cardiovascular and other diseases

Too bad for Fritz, Jacques and Mario…. No more “listen to her tachin’ up now.” No more “listen to her why-ee-eye-ine.” Continue reading EU to regulate motor vehicle noise: 'Disrupts organs', leads to cardiovascular and other diseases

WashPost: GM’s vaunted Volt is on the road to nowhere fast

The Washington Post, leftie rag that it is, continues its assault against Obama’s EV push — “The basic theory of the Obama push for electric vehicles — if you build them, customers will come — was a myth. And an expensive one, at that.” [Read the article]