California to imitate Harvard Howler: Air regulator CARB to fraudulently link PM2.5 to COVID-19

One fraud begets another. Air quality harms no one’s health and certainly has no effect on COVID-19. But America’s communists are going all out to defeat President Trump, including the bogus effort to connect PM2.5 and deaths from COVID-19.

CARB boss mama, Mary Nichols. Never met air quality fraud she didn’t like.

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Harvard fraudsters use Obama EPA money to attack Trump administration with PM2.5-COVID19 study

The recent “Harvard Howler” trying to link PM2.5 with COVID-19 deaths was funded by money Harvard received from the Obama EPA.

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PM2.5 fraudsters move to change the biological plausibility narrative?

I was reading an article upcoming in this week’s New York Times Magazine when I was struck by a possible effort by the PM2.5 fraudsters to change their narrative.

Continue reading PM2.5 fraudsters move to change the biological plausibility narrative?

WINNING: EPA won’t tighten the PM2.5 standard

A big win for all who have worked on this. We’re not done yet. But a big win nonetheless. You can read the wailings of the PM2.5 fraudsters in the New York Times coverage (Web | PDF). Incredible that the fraudsters launched their PM2.5-coronavirus study as a last minute “Hail Mary.” Also note the fake news headline — “Trump Disregards Advice.” In fact, EPA’s CASAC advised Administrator Wheeler that there was no scientific basis for tightening the standards.

Harvard Howler: Study claims PM2.5 increases risk of death from COVID19

Never waste a crisis. A new study from Harvard claims that 1 microgram per cubic meter increase in PM2.5 is associated with a 15% increase in deaths from COVID19. This is totally absurd.

Continue reading Harvard Howler: Study claims PM2.5 increases risk of death from COVID19

EPA staff sabotages fuel economy rollback

So the Trump administration finally finished rolling back the pointlessly expensive and impossible-to-achieve 2012 Obama administration fuel economy standards. Great. But did EPA staff sabotage the rulemaking to favor certain legal challenge by environmentalists? You betcha.

Continue reading EPA staff sabotages fuel economy rollback

Just Stupid: Study claims outdoor air quality more deadly than smoking

The air quality mafia is so desperate that it is now claiming outdoor air reduces life expectancy by more than smoking.

Continue reading Just Stupid: Study claims outdoor air quality more deadly than smoking

The BMJ’s ‘Trust Us’ Statistics — With a Relative Risk of 1.0018!

Anyone knowledgeable about epidemiology was appalled when, in 1992, EPA labeled secondhand smoke as a carcinogen based on a relative risk of 1.19 — well within the noise range of statistical correlations and essentially a no-correlation finding. Now the British Medical Journal has published a study trying to link ozone in outdoor air with premature mortality based on a relative risk of 1.0018. That is shocking enough, but check out the BMJ’s ‘trust us’ guarantee.

Continue reading The BMJ’s ‘Trust Us’ Statistics — With a Relative Risk of 1.0018!