Paper: Scientists reject startling claims that the speed of light has been broken for a second time

“In a paper posted on Saturday, the ICARUS team says their findings ‘refute a superluminal [faster than light] interpretation of the OPERA result.'” Continue reading Paper: Scientists reject startling claims that the speed of light has been broken for a second time

Royal Slam: Duke of Edinburgh calls wind farms ‘absolutely useless’

“You stay away from my estate young man,” said Prince Philip to an industry rep who suggested wind turbines for the Duke’s estate. Continue reading Royal Slam: Duke of Edinburgh calls wind farms ‘absolutely useless’

BBC’s Mr. Climate Change got £15,000 from Climategate university

Though he claims to have reported on Climategate fairly, Roger Harrabin seems to have been paid to promote alarmism at the Beeb. Continue reading BBC’s Mr. Climate Change got £15,000 from Climategate university