IBD: Badly-Needed Alaskan Oil Is Kept From Market By Obama Decision

“The same administration that says we can and should get oil from the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska is blocking a bridge needed to get it to market on environmental grounds.” Continue reading IBD: Badly-Needed Alaskan Oil Is Kept From Market By Obama Decision

Schlafly: U.N. Climate Conference’s Goal? One-World Gov’t

“The U.N. goal is to move the United States into a global government by environmental regulations and a vast network of taxes.” Continue reading Schlafly: U.N. Climate Conference’s Goal? One-World Gov’t

Lord Lawson accuses Sir David Attenborough of ‘sensationalism’

“Lord Lawson has accused Sir David Attenborough of ‘sensationalism’ as he focuses on the effects of global warming on the Polar regions during the finale of Frozen Planet.” Continue reading Lord Lawson accuses Sir David Attenborough of ‘sensationalism’

2010 is 10th warmest year according to Climategate scientists

“However, only last week researchers at UAE were criticised for colluding with politicians to ‘massage’ evidence of man-made climate change after 5,000 emails were leaked online.” Continue reading 2010 is 10th warmest year according to Climategate scientists