Washington Post Tree-Ring Circus

The Washington Post recently claimed that the 2023 tree ring in a 200-year old pine (called Bigelow 224) on Mount Bigelow in the Sonoran Desert is a climate warning of some sort. Here I demonstrate their fraudulent reporting.

The WaPo article is here.

Below is the first image you see as your scroll through the article. It is an image of the entire core sample from the tree.

This the next image in the scroll, explaining the tree ring.

This is the next image in the scroll, spotlighting the tree rings from the mid-19th century.

The next scroll spotlights the early 20th century.

So far so good. But here’s where the fraud is. This is the next scroll. Note the focus on the thin growth ring from 2023 — “the hottest year that humanity — and Bigelow 224 — had ever seen”, per the WaPo.

Looks bad for 2023, right?

But with the help of another pair of hands, I was able to screen shot the WaPo scroll before it landed on that last image. Here it is.

As you can see, the WaPo image trying to show 2023 as some unusually narrow tree ring is just fraud. The image I was able to capture shows that during the 1970s through the 1990s, the tree rings were very thin, if not thinner than 2023 — even though none of those years was the “hottest year that humanity — and Bigelow 224 — had ever seen.”

Here’s a screen video of the scroll so you can see the deception with your own lying’ eyes:

WaPo Tree Ring Video final cut

WaPo climate propagandists are just liars.

No wonder the lead WaPo reporter on the article, Sarah Kaplan, blocks me on Twitter/X.

4 thoughts on “Washington Post Tree-Ring Circus”

  1. I find it surprising that these studies link directly tree ring with temperature. Plant growth is influenced by other obvious factors, like CO2 local concentration, cloud cover effect in light received, humidity/rainfall, etc.
    Surely the effect of CO2 on growth should be discounted, if you are blaming CO2 on temperature change, but I don’t see any consideration of that on tree ring studies.

  2. I’m sure that most of the folks who drop in here understand that climatism is a religion, not science, but rather science fiction. The colleges and universities all the way back to the 60’s and 70’s were turning out way more PhD’s in the sciences than there was demand for. The end of the space age forced NASA to dump thousands of scientists and engineers onto the street.

    As always, some of them in academia decided that a fund raiser was necessary to continue their grants and research positions, so they came up with “climate” and then further on, “AGW”. Every so often they morphed the name to keep the ball in the air and the cash coming. Now we have “climate catastrophe”. Regularly they run another episode of the Panic Pron Theater long running horror show – ‘As The Earth Catches Fire’. As it is purely science fiction, not one of their dire predictions has come true. BUT… they make a good living off the mooks running about raving “we’re all gonna die if you don’t stop driving cars and grilling steaks!”

    Unfortunately there are two very powerful factions outside academia that profit greatly from this scam: the media and government. Along with academia they form a triumvirate quango that seems impossible to dislodge, much to the detriment of our country.

  3. Here’s what I remember about global warming: I’m going on 70 yrs., and during my HS years in the southerntier of NY (Corning area) , I recall the Summers bring considerably warmer than recent Summers where I live now — just 50 miles north of where I grew up, about 8 miles south of Lake Ontario. The major issue w/ climate alarmists seems to a confusion over weather, and climate. I recall the ice age coming in the early 70s…yes, ice age! And then, within a decade, it was global warming. Why the sudden switch? Surely the ‘climate’ isn’t whimsical — but supposed scientists must be, allowing their expertise to be polluted with political nonsense — espoused by supposed experts. Have these idiots got anything right? The local weather forecaster is way more accurate — because he/she is relying on facts, not political alarmism!

  4. Here’s what I remember about global warming: I’m going on 70 yrs., and during my HS years in the southerntier of NY (Corning area) , I recall the Summers bring considerably warmer than recent Summers where I live now — just 50 miles mainly, about 8 miles south of Lake Ontario. The major issue w/ climate alarmists seems to a confusion over weather, and climate. I recall the ice age coming in the early 70s…yes, ice age! And then, within a decade, it was global warming. Why the sudden switch? Surely the ‘climate’ isn’t whimsical — but supposed scientists must be, allowing their expertise to be polluted with political nonsense — espoused by supposed experts. Have these idiots got anything right? The local weather forecaster is way more accurate — because he/she is relying on facts, not political alarmism!

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