4 thoughts on “GOP candidates debate climate: Ramaswamy stars, calling climate a ‘hoax’”

  1. Thanks, JWood. Strangely, I couldn’t see your comment until I posted my 2nd comment.

  2. I googled that question, and by the “4th branch” he apparently meant the administrative state.

  3. What a shame that Ramaswamy, who absolutely nailed the climate scam issue, is wrong on almost all the other issues (except education), and acts like a jerk, and is completely clueless w/r/t foreign policy.

    DeSantos was disappointing. He flat-out refused to answer a very simple yes-no / right-wrong question, because he was afraid of alienating somebody. That’s not the kind of cowardly leader we need.

    Christy did a lot better than I expected. He’s still not my first choice, but he was witty and well-informed, and I’m confident that he would mop the floor with Biden.

    Pence and Scott also both did very well, and Haley was witty and especially great on foreign policy.

    But, unexpectedly, I thought Burgum was the surprise overall winner of this debate. I was especially impressed at his understanding of how Biden’s weakness in Afghanistan effectively green-lit Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and how letting Putin “win” in Ukraine would effectively green-light China’s invasion of Taiwan.

    BTW, does anyone know what Ramaswamy was referring to when he said, “there are three branches of government, not four”? Was it a reference to someone’s gaffe?

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