John Kerry devastated at House hearing on climate by Scott Perry

Rep. Scott Perry (R-Penn.) flattens Biden climate envoy John Kerry at today’s House Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability hearing. You haven’t heard anyone confront Kerry or any other climate clown like Perry does, calling him a “grifter” and asking why he wants to spend $1.6 quadrillion on something that is not a problem.

7 thoughts on “John Kerry devastated at House hearing on climate by Scott Perry”

  1. It’s the standard nonsense from people like John Kerry – “Stop telling me what I said in the past. Listen to what I’m saying now.”

  2. It always gives me some (false?) hope when I see someone like Scott Perry call out someone like John Kerry. It’s no wonder that climate change is a partisan issue.
    Thank you for sharing this one, made my day!

  3. I wish Canadian politicians had half the courage and knowledge of Perry, Is it worth sending a letter of support to his office?

    Tom Harris

  4. 98% agreement.


    Still holding on to the resoundedly debunked crap.

    More horses–t from Horseface.

    Newsflash for Horseface. When CO2 was circa 7,000 ppmv in the atmosphere, life on earth was at its fullest.

    The earth needs MORE CO2. Not less.

    400 ppmv is still dangerously low.

    The Senator did a decent job.

    But my wish is that real scientists like Milloy, Happer, Lindzen, etal. could actually enter into public debate on a national stage.

    Instead of being relegated to getting the truth out only by email, newsletters, and their own personal websites.

  5. What a load of bull feces! Multiple peer reviewed studies of emission sources of the (hoax) global warming gases clearly demonstrated that Mother nature emits some 96% to 97% and humans the rest. This grifter and his NWO buddies know this but still go nattering on about Net Zero, an impossible goal.

    Now let’s talk about the 800 pound gorilla in the room: water vapor, which is some 60% of the “greenhouse” gases, but no one talks about it, only about the 400 parts per BILLION of the atmosphere that is CO2 (i.e., .00004%) – the Satanic gas that controls everything (supposedly).

    The USA is supposed to go commit economic seppuku to show the world what they should do. In the meantime they all sit around pointing at us and laughing and selling us the magic beans of windmills and solar panels.

    As for the GHGE, there is NO greenhouse. Never was. Never will be. Our atmosphere is completely open to space. A monstrously large heat sink at about 2 degrees Kelvin. A real greenhouse has a totally enclosed atmosphere including a ceiling. Proof of whether of not we have a greenhouse effect requires a mid Tropospheric hot spot (the top of the greenhouse as such). Well there just isn’t one. Duh.

  6. Beautiful! Never saw any elected official call out one of the conmen before. It should be noted that once upon a time, “all of the scientists” told us that disease was caused by “mists and stinks”; Too, “all of the scientists” stated that the Earth was flat. Later, “all of the scientists” assured us that the sun revolved around the Earth…

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