‘Hottest days’ manipulation?

The claim that July 3-4, 2023 were the hottest days in the past 125,000 years is based on satellite data and computer modeling by the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer. But there seems to be a problem with the Climate Reanalyzer.

The chart (above) is a screenshot from this morning. I highlighted the August 20, 2022 date because of what I tweeted below on that date.

My August 20, 2022 tweet from the Climate Renalayzer shows that average global temperature anomaly on that date was -0.1°C.

But the screenshot from today, says the anomaly was 0.25°C — a 0.35°C difference. What happened? Is the Climate Reanalyzer reanalyzing temperatures to fit the narrative?

Tony Heller and others have spotlighted how data is being manipulated to advance the climate hoax.

Is that what the University of Maine is doing? Any explanation?

One thought on “‘Hottest days’ manipulation?”

  1. “and computer modeling” That there says it all. They torture the data until it shows eminent disaster. I challenge the Klimate Klowns spewing their disaster porn to do a simple test.
    1. subtract the raw temperature data from the published “adjusted” temperatures.
    2. Plot that and the raw temperatures.
    3. now plot the CO2 concentration during the same time period.

    You will easily see that the adjustments increase at the same rate as the CO2 concentration, but the raw temperatures do not. There are pretty much zero scientific “adjustments” that do that. We make allowance for things like instrumental error for instance. CO2 does NOT throw off our instruments. Duh.

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