A new study reviewing the study from earlier this year that launched ongoing gas stove hysteria reports: “p-value plots for gas stove−current asthma and gas stove−current wheeze associations show randomness consistent with unproven gas stove harms. The meta-analysis fails to provide reliable evidence for public health policy making on gas stove harms to children in North America.”
so they take unvetted “studies” and jumble them together in a meta study and then “discover” gas stoves are bad for kids.
At best it is sloppy methodology, but more likely just another scam by the usual suspects. IMAO they should have their science degrees cancelled, or at least the statistics and methods part.
Unfortunately those that squeal with glee about new regulations aren’t going to let go of their newest target. Especially when they think they have a way to remove gas stoves from the market because of … let’s say it together … climate change.
My, my, what a surprise!