Fail: Politifact’s fact check of my Ingraham Angle appearance during the New York City air scare

Politifact finally got around to “fact checking” my June 7, 2023 appearance on Fox News’ Ingraham Angle. It (Web | PDF) is pretty much what I expected — a premeditated hit job that: (1) ignored the substance of the response I provided at Politifact’s request (not even a link to any of my material); (2) just parroted EPA propaganda and then (3) ended with an ad hominem attack on me. In tossing away reality, it was a fact chuck, not a fact check. I will also note that the two people cited bolstering the EPA position — Thomas Kleinman and Duncan Thomas — have both been on the receiving end of millions of dollars in EPA grants. Kleinman is even currently serving on the EPA CASAC PM subcommittee. There is an ongoing lawsuit against EPA over the biased composition of CASAC. Politifact failed to disclose these conflicts of interest. My rating of Politifact: Simply dishonest.

One thought on “Fail: Politifact’s fact check of my Ingraham Angle appearance during the New York City air scare”

  1. We have to understand that this is ‘POLITIFACT’, not Fact.
    In other words BS shat out by ignorant politicians & ‘career reporters’ with no powers of judgement or reasoning, programmed [aka Brainwashed] by some dogma they are unable to see through, & not interested in or capable of, ranking degrees of credibility to the various ‘scientific inferences’ available….You don’t need a Ph.D to understand the implications if the ‘Swept under the carpet’ failure of the illegal human exposure testing done by the 3rd Reich….er, I mean, USEPA ……..which totally trashes all the ‘Chicken Little’ inferences drawn from the many skewed meta-analyses of [PM] vs public health…….
    The MSM would go broke if it didn’t publish every possible revolting negative ‘news item’ available…..

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