EPA’s CCS requirement is illegal; The agency blocked its Science Advisory Board from saying so 10 years ago

EPA proposed today that utilities stop burning coal and natural gas by 2040 unless power plants can be outfitted with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. The agency tried mandating CCS 10 years ago, but its Science Advisory Board got in the way. So EPA killed SAB review of CCS.

After EPA’s September 2013 proposal to mandate CCS for new coal plants, a working group of the EPA’s SAB recommended the full SAB review the practicality of CCS:

But EPA didn’t want the SAB to conclude that CCS was not ready for print time. So agency staff told the SAB leadership to stop the review.

4 thoughts on “EPA’s CCS requirement is illegal; The agency blocked its Science Advisory Board from saying so 10 years ago”

  1. stpaulchuck is correct. Follow the money.

    However, there are true science denying faithers who actually think the world could perish due to climate “change”.

    The D. C. oligarchs feed off the panic of these useful idiots (poster child Thunberg the Climate Brat) to enrich their non-green “investments” in wind and solar highly subsidized by taxpayers.

    All the while the true believers unwittingly commit a slow suicide by attempting to lower already dangerously low atmospheric CO2 levels to below that which plants can live.

    Thereby ending all life on earth.

  2. This CCS business seems like a thermodynamic impossibility.
    A very temporary fix, at most, taking more energy than it saves.
    The only real CCS is via photosynthesis which is the natural regulator controlling the greenhouse effect via NFB

  3. This CCS business seems like a thermodynamic impossibility.
    A very temporary fix, at most taking more energy than it saves.
    The only real CCS is via photosynthesis which is the natural regulator controlling the greenhouse effect via NFB

  4. the Church of the Satanic Gases does not care about the science or engineering. They never did. This is a crusade of mental defectives forcing stupid and/or incompetent “fixes” on the public over a hoax and scam called human caused climate change, a hoax that has been scientifically debunked dozens if not hundreds of time in the last decade. Follow the money!

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