Tucker Carlson slams new IPCC report

For the second time in the past week, Tucker Carlson slammed climate idiocy in his opening monologue… including using material from our first Wrong Again report.

4 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson slams new IPCC report”

  1. I find it absolutely mind boggling that our major media COMPLETELY ignore China and India while aiding and abetting economic suicide of the West over a fictional boogeyman. It’s not like the information is hidden by China and India. American media is America’s Fifth Column.

  2. Great to see the sheeple getting exposure to a bit of factual & logical information via the MSM
    Of course pigs will fly & leopards change their spots before sheeple will give up thinking [if at all] only in self-defense…[As the Brits say… ‘I’m all right. Jack: B****r you.’]
    Rather interesting to see the terms ‘Equity’ & ‘Inclusion’ in the U.N. Climate Report…………..It is highly questionable whether the 5% of the population suffering from delusion about their chromosomes could have their pejoration of common English terms given favorable status in official reports without covert intervention by anti-democratic influences…
    Ironically if the ‘Chicken Little’ brigade gets wide spread acceptance the sheeple reaction could well be ‘Eat, drink & be merry, for tomorrow we die’ which would make matters worse…….
    It has to be pointed out that the US is acting to limit its per-capita CO2 [currently Twice that of China], whereas China & India are both acting to grossly increase world wide total CO2

  3. Lies, damned lies, and statistics. In their idiotic Net Zero policy, the left has declared war on humanity. And the environment as well. Net Zero CO2 is a suicide pact. As Dr. Happer has said, when the atmospheric CO2 content falls below 180 ppmv, life will cease on earth. It’s game over. The CO2 Coalition trashes these mad people. It is time for true scientists to stand and stop the madness. The earth needs MORE CO2. Not less. Perhaps the only good thing coming out of China is CO2

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