Reuters tries, but gives up fact-checking Milloy’s 13 million-view, direct-hit tweet

This e-mail from Reuters showed up a week ago about my 13-million view tweet.

So I responded as follows:

It’s been a week. There has been no published fact-check from Reuters. I pinged them about it. No response. Maybe they will do one. May be not. So far my tweet has collected bogus ‘fact checks” from the Twitter, Associated Press, Australian Associated Press and That tweet must have been a direct hit. The narrative has been sunk and the dead-enders are frantic.

2 thoughts on “Reuters tries, but gives up fact-checking Milloy’s 13 million-view, direct-hit tweet”

  1. More congratulations Steve..
    It’s very encouraging to see you getting more [reluctant] acceptance from the MSM…
    Someone will have to make up an ‘explanation’ of why global T doesn’t track with [CO2] in the atmosphere & why, when total atmospheric interference with critical IR wavelengths has already reached 100%, more CO2 in the atmosphere is going to make any difference……
    About 55 years ago, my [undergrad] colleagues & I dismissed the Greenhouse effect as self- regulating………
    More CO2>>>Higher T >>>More green plant growth >>>More photosynthesis>>>> More CO2 absorbed……….

  2. If their “science” is correct, then there is a direct correlation between atmospheric concentration of CO2 and mean climate temperature. One can’t exist without the other, according to them.

    So then, I challenge them to show how the mean temperature failed to rise along with significant rise in CO2, no matter the time frame.

    I also challenge them to show how the CO2 increases soon after the oceans warm up and that the oceanic warming comes FIRST, not as a result of increased CO2, at least according to myriad temperature records from around the world.

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