From the February 14, 2023 episode of FOX News’ Jesse Watters Primetime. Below is Jesse’s opening monologue (a fantastic must-watch) and his interview with me.You can also watch my interview on
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OK, enough is enough. Nobody said you should breathe lungs full of VOCs. And comparing this to Chernobyl is simply ridiculous. 10 cars contained the dangerous stuff, not 50. and the “controlled burn” is recommended as the method for quickly eliminating the most dangerous outcome: letting the stuff get absorbed into the water table. Jesse says “mustard gas”: wrong, it was phosgene, one possible high-temperature outcome of some chlorine compounds. Was any noted in surveys? Not that I have heard. Jesse first said “50 tons”, then later “500 tons”. He mentioned “Acid Rain”, summoning up the demons of the 70s. Shouldn’t he be reminded that ALL rain is acidic?
Was this a disaster? Of course. But stop with the extraordinary exaggeration. Already, most of this contamination is either dispersed by the huge water flow of the Ohio river and the open air-shed. And no, cancer doesn’t spike in hours. What’s spiking is the milking of the disaster by news talking heads with no skeptical thinking giving air time to folks anxious for their 15 minutes.
Jesse is “going to stay on this story”? Right. Until the next big thing comes along.
Look for “Tom in Oregon City”. I am conservative, scientifically literate, small-government, untrusting of dogma. But like I said, enough is enough. Don’t act like the leftist media does, with brainless comparisons to Chernobyl, and “mushroom clouds” (there was no such thing), and NO MENTION of the extensive environmental literature on how to deal with this sort of disaster (the burn).
The EPA has always been corrupt in my eyes. At 60, I remember many years of EPA bashing during my teens and 20s (that’s in the 1970s and 80s for those who don’t want to do the math). And more problems in the past 2 decades. I can’t recall the specific events but I could find them with some searching. I also have no reason to think that the EPA has solved their corruption issues, so their lack of competence is just more of the same behavior.
It’s time for a complete overhaul of the EPA just as it’s time for overhauls of many of the 3 letter organizations.
Much like the FBI preparing a SWAT invasion of the homes of parents that won’t roll over for evil school boards while major crime is going down, the rest of Jotatoe’s agency heads are always MIA from serious issues while out doing stupid stuff like pimping for EV’s, windmills, and other useless or counterproductive lunacies.
The EPA is trying to shut down all diesel trucks over generally harmless PM2.5 and CO2 plant food, while a disaster like this is left to poison the water and air with actually deadly chemicals. What a clown show.
“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” – Hanlon’s razor
Sky News: “Smart people are being silenced so stupid people won’t be offended.”