Is NOAA trying to warm the current 8+ year pause?

Recall that my 13 million-view tweet sent Big Climate into a paroxysm of desperate but fake ‘fact checks.’ Is NOAA now trying to slowly warm the current pause with an eye toward eliminating it? Or is this just innocent data correction?

So here is the graph that the 13 million-view tweet was based on. The image was taken on January 12, 2023.

Now here is the image taken today.

They are very similar. But note the trend. In January, the 2015-2022 cooling trend was -0.11°C/decade. Today, the trend has been knocked back to -0.07°C/decade.

Is this a mere data correction/adjustment by NOAA or the beginning of something something more sinister? Stay tuned.

2 thoughts on “Is NOAA trying to warm the current 8+ year pause?”

  1. Any real scientist would come up with some sort of calculus expression like dT/dt = f d[CO2]/dt & ask if the rate of increase in mean measured global surface T actually tracks, in phase, atmospheric [CO2]…….(which it obviously doesn’t) …
    Geologists have reliable evidence that global surface T has always varied on a long-term basis and we are currently on an upward trend (or maybe over the last 8 years at a point of inflection)
    CAGW proponents have reliable evidence that atmospheric [CO2] is increasing on a short-term basis & they are frantically using BS in, e.g. the form of Mass-formation-hypnosis, Gaslighting, Ad Hominem / Tu Quoque / Post Hoc arguments, etc. to scare the general population & promote their Totalitarian agenda…….

  2. the power mongers are desperate to maintain the ‘climate catastrophe’ scare story. Without it they lose control and the NWO/WEF are in a panic at that thought.

    They have no immediate go-to if the Satanic Gases ploy fails, although I’ve heard several attempts at disease scares in the last month or so. Trying to get another scamdemic going as backup I guess.

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