5 thoughts on “ChaptGPT admits there has been no warming since 2015”

  1. [Answer #10]: ‘I am not programmed to produce propaganda’
    Yeah, right……[ROFL]
    Hypothetical question #10A: In what way are you programmed to detect propaganda and prevent yourself from repeating it. Is AI advanced enough yet to judge whether or not information presented is propaganda?

  2. So any time someone tells me that the Catastrophic Anthropomorphic Global Warming scare is based on a “vast body of research from many different fields of inquiry” I will know they are a bot….

  3. first, as you and I know, there is NO consensus science. To quote a scientific icon:
    “There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.” – Michael Crichton
    “Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.” – Michael Crichton

    Second, the bot and those who trained it have committed the cardinal sin in science: correlation is NOT causation. The go-to date for their Big Lie is ‘the beginning of the Industrial Age’ for a reason. It is also coincident with the end of the Little Ice Age. So apparently, based on correlation, they must then believe that the Industrial Age reversed the Little Ice Age. [*falls on floor laughing*]

    Third, the actual scan of the data for hundreds of years and evidence in the fossil, deep ice, and seabed records clearly show that CO2 concentration in the atmosphere rises AFTER the oceans warm up. See Henry’s Law for reference.

    As others have noted: GIGO. This is a well trained parrot not artificial intelligence. I could spend pages tearing apart the nonsense and outright lies in the parrot’s responses, but I’d be preaching to the choir here. Now I’ve got to wait for my plow jockeys to remove up to 20 inches of global warming from my driveway here in St. Paul.

  4. Interesting conversation you had, Steve. But the conclusion of this exercise was known before you started. “Garbage in, garbage out” is a well-known phrase and in this case the stuff of some well written sci-fi novels of some 50-60 years ago. Today science has become the rule of consensus opinion, the very folks who created ChatGPT.

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