Worldwide: Milloy 13 million-view tweets sends Aussie fake news media into meltdown

Now it’s the Australian Associated Press (AAP) lying about my tweet pointing out the hoax that is CO2 warming.

Here’s the AAP article (Web | PDF).

This fake news attack is the same as others — that I cherry-picked eight years out of a longer warming trend. That is false for the same reasons discussed before.

Here’s what they claim is the proper view:

But the AAP FactCheck is just fake news that still makes my point.

First, the long-term warming trend did not begin in 1880. Per the first IPCC report in 1990, the current warming trend began around the year 1650.

So pretending that warming started in 1880 is misleading.

Next, the NOAA graph is fake for three reasons.

NOAA has cooled the past and warmed the present via temperature manipulation.

Claiming to know global temperature from 1880 or even today is just bogus. Below is the temperature station coverages for 1885 and today. How can you claim to calculate a global average from such sparse temperature data? You can’t.

And let’s not forget that 90+% of temperature stations are not accurate to within 1°C.

Finally, the NOAA graph makes my point… that temperature is driven by El Ninos or something, but not CO2 warming. As the green bars show there have been long periods of time where CO2 emissions have increased but temperature have plateaued, each plateau being driven by an El Nino or something.

Remember: The global warming con is that every emission warms the planet. That’s why you shouldn’t drive to work, eat a cheeseburger or use a clothes dryer.

Over the past eight years we have emitted 450+ billion tons of emissions, yet there has been no warming.

I pointed this out and Big Climate has melted down about it.

Check out the attack on me by the Associated Press for more.

2 thoughts on “Worldwide: Milloy 13 million-view tweets sends Aussie fake news media into meltdown”

  1. Thanks Steve You are the Best and completely taking on communism. This is the weak Red Guard. Liberalism meets Psychological political madness. Keep Laughing

  2. I have come to the idea that journalists are either the dumbest clucks on the planet or are so agenda driven that they will lie at warp speed to support their goals with junk science that is easily debunked…. IF you can see and verify the truthful science, something they will deliberately avoid.

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